Changes to reporting data in AdSense reports


To improve the loading speed and ease of use of the new AdSense reporting page , we’ve made some changes to reporting data in AdSense. This article will describe these changes in detail, as well as how to download legacy data from AdSense .

Reported data for the past 3 years

For any AdSense product (AdSense for content, AdSense for search, etc.), we only keep reporting data for the past 3 years. That is, you can only generate reports on data from the past 3 years.

You can download data from 3 years ago from the old report page (until the end of September) or from the new report page (until the end of 2020). Learn how to download old data from AdSense . If you frequently need access to older data, you can schedule periodic reports to download data on a regular basis.


This change doesn’t apply to billing and payments data. You can still find all billing and payments data in the payments section of your account.

Does not contain YouTube or

AdMob reporting data

We also removed all YouTube and AdMob data from AdSense reports. This means that you can no longer view YouTube or AdMob data in AdSense.


Your finalized earnings information will still appear in the payments section of AdSense.

If you’re a YouTube publisher, you can use YouTube Insights to monitor the performance of your channels, videos, and claimed content. Learn more about YouTube Insights .

If you are an AdMob publisher, please visit the reporting page of your AdMob account. Learn more aboutAdMob reporting .

To save a copy of your YouTube and AdMob reporting data, you can download old data from AdSense by following the instructions below.

Download old data from AdSense

To download the full report history with YouTube and AdMob data, follow these steps:

  • Sign in to your AdSense account.
  • Click Report.
  • Make sure you’ve opted in to the new report page.
  • Find the report you want to download.
  • Next to Save As, click the buttons below to download legacy data. Your data will be downloaded as a CSV file.

The following is a collection of topics and information we have prepared for you

[Beginner’s Guide] Google Adsense registration, payment via PIN, policy management

If you can’t click it, please enter the URL link

AdSense related service URL link

ggadmob FAQ

AdSense Encyclopedia YouTube Channel

If you want to get in touch with me for help, (the PC version can scan the code above the right sidebar to add my WeChat), please scroll down to the WeChat QR code on the mobile website; my contact email is [email protected]

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