adsense registration tutorial, adsense verification PIN and collection PIN, adsense collection and violation summary

Today, we will organize a detailed guide for Google Ads (adsense) beginners, mainly to explain the collection of various situations from adsense registration to final payment.

Due to limited time and energy, this article will be updated from time to time during this period. Please forgive me if there are any details, and I will try my best to complete it later.

All articles on the ads major league and GG league challenge blog are our original updates, and we do not accept any empty-handed white wolf operation (unconditional consultation and answers are not accepted),

For paid consultation and account purchase services, you can contact our Taobao, WeChat, and QQ at any time. Please look for scammers and counterfeiters. The contact information is published on !

The contact information published on other websites has nothing to do with us. Due to the frequent occurrence of fraudulent methods such as adsense new hang ups in 2020, please be sure to purchase services through!

[Summary of adsense registration]

  1. How to register a google adsense account ?
  2. What should I do if this phone cannot be verified when I register adsense (google account) ?
  3. What should I do if the adsense registration fails and cannot be cancelled ?
  4. The registered adsense account (Google account) is blocked by gmail
  5. Can I register multiple adsense accounts on the same computer/Can I log in to multiple adsense accounts on the same computer ?
  6. What should I do if the registered adsense (google) account is forced to verify by phone (unable to verify by phone) ?
  7. How to change the recovery email and mobile phone of adsense account

【adsense Verification PIN and Collection】

  1. How to modify the name of the payee in adsense, and how to modify the PIN address in adsense
  2. Can adsense verification PIN check the shipping status of adsense pin code ? How are adsense pins shipped ? adsense authentication PIN
  3. Methods and Methods of Payment by Accounts in Common Countries and Regions of Adsense
  4. Risks associated with the address where adsense collects PIN

Adsense Account Policy】

  1. Adsense invalid traffic is restricted , what should I do if invalid traffic is restricted from displaying ads ?
  2. It should be noted that the adsense account will be cancelled if there is no advertisement display for 6 months. The website that has been reviewed
  3. Adsense China account receiving bank must provide proof of google collection agreement

More articles to follow will be summarized and updated in succession. . . . Please check back later

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